When PKU Hits Home


What is PKU and What Are the Symptoms?
PKU's Genetic Origin
Treatment for Patients with PKU
Photo Gallery

The following works were used as sources for information on this website:

Florie, Leigh Ann. "A Place of our Own: The Univeristy of Minnesota PKU Program and PKU Foundation." 1998. The University of Minnesota. 3 Dec 2001. <http://www.peds.umn.edu/pku/>.

Koch, Richard K. "Issues in Newborn Screening for Phenylketonuria." American Family Physician. Findarticles.com. 6 Dec 2001. <http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m3225/5_60/57436949/p1/article.jhtml?term=>.

Paul, Diane. "A Double-Edged Sword." Nature Publishing Group. Nature.com. 6 Dec 2001. <http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v1/n3/slideshow/nrg1200_236a_bx3.html>.

Schuett, Virginia. "News and Information about Phenylketonuria." 2001. National PKU News. 5 Dec 2001. <>.

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You can E-mail me at rocavs11@yahoo.com